Clinical Trials
- Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Clinical Investigation Evaluating a Unique Micro Fluid Jet Technology Device vs. Standard Debridement in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot – David G. Armstrong DPM MD PhD et al., Keck School of Medicine USC (170 screened)
- Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Clinical Investigation Evaluating a Unique Micro Fluid Jet Technology Device vs. Standard Debridement in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot – David G. Armstrong DPM MD PhD et al., Keck School of Medicine USC (85 screened)
- A retrospective clinical application observation of 90 patients with acute and chronic wounds – Dr. M. Reber Kantonsspital Obwalden and Dr. P. Nussbaumer Spital Lachen
Case Studies
- The use of a novel micro water jet technology for limb salvage in lower extremity gangrene – Anna Sanchez DPM, et al.
- Efficacy of Micro-Water-Jet Debridement of Acute & Chronic Wounds in an Office-Based Setting – Charles K Lee MD FACS, et al., L plastic surgery San Francisco
- Speed of Healing following Debridement of a Charcot Foot wound using the Medaxis debritom+ micro water jet technology – Florence Summers DPM, et al.
- Efficacy of weekly debridement using debritom+ micro water jet technology on a non-compliant patient with an infected DFU complicated by Covid-19